Sunday, April 26, 2009

Suicide AIN’T Painless

With the economy in the worst condition since the 1930’s, people have been killing themselves. Even worst, and as a first, some have murdered their spouse and children before taking their own life. Why? Because of fear of the consequences of the economic downturn. Hey folks, fear is a killer! Jesus Himself said so:

Men swooning away or expiring with fear and dread and apprehension and expectation of the things that are coming on the world; for the [very] powers of the heavens will be shaken and caused to totter.

Luke 21:26 [AMP]

But it is one thing for people to be so afraid that they faint or drop dead... and another to take a gun, knife, or bottle of pills and do the job yourself. Or, even worse... to do harm to innocent family members. The sad truth is that satan is trying to draw souls into hell by causing them to deny the salvation freely offered by Jesus and choosing to handle their problems themselves.

As a result of all of this insanity, we have recorded a 30+ minute teaching on CD to help those who are perplexed by the events happening in our world. This resource is not going to be sold in our on-line store. It is available for free as group of download files!

Want to learn how to get a copy?

You can download “Never Give Up... Never Surrender” for free by going to our free download site,! The teaching presents each topic in our familiar Seven Minutes of Wisdom format.

If you have a friend or a family member who is going through some difficulty because of the pressures of this life and the world system that is turning upside down on itself, you can help by having them slam these teachings into their iPod or MP3 player. They will receive instant encouragement.

Suicide is not the answer... it only opens the door for problems your loved ones will spend their lives dealing with... and if you don’t know Christ as your Savior, you will have an eternity to deal with it!

Download this teaching at and may it be a blessing to you and to others.

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