Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Child of Promise

Writing to the Galatians the apostle Paul said,

"And you brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise. But as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so it is now also {Gal. 4:28-29NAS}."

In today's modern congregations that gather in our Lord's name there are those who, like Isaac, are born according to the word of God and are the children and heirs according to the promises of God {John 3:16}; true believers who are born of the "water and the Spirit {John 3:5NAS}."

They are those who have come to know their Savior through the power of the gospel {Rom. 1:16}. They are believers who know the fundamental teachings of Christ and of His sufferings. They know of His work in His death, burial and resurrection and of their fellowship with Him {Rom. 8:17NAS}. They are true believers who are being sanctified by the cleansing "by the washing of water with the word {Eph. 5:26NAS}."

The "born again" are those who believe in the indwelling Spirit of God and the power that comes through the spiritual union with Him in prayer. They believe in the gifts of the Spirit, the resurrection of the dead, the laying on of hands, healing of the sick and the blind and the lame. They believe that the same God that created the heavens and the earth is the same God that watches over them day and night. The true believers know that there is nothing impossible with God!! These are the ones who are lead of the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God {Rom. 8:14NAS}. They are the invisible church, a remnant that is few in number.

And then there are those who, like Ishmael, are born according to the traditions of men; they are the works of the flesh. They were invited and came on "pack a pew day," or "bring a friend day," they were invited and came to the "church picnic," they came to play basketball with the other "young people" of the church, they went on the church group trips, they had their ears "tickled" and their fleshly senses stirred, which brought about an emotional decision to miss hell and go to heaven using a man called "Jesus" for a free pass.

And then they were invited and were baptized and added to the "church roll," and then told that they were heirs of the kingdom of God. They were told of and they serve a "new and improved god" and are saved by "a new and improved savior" who understands and is more broadminded concerning modern day man. They are the ones who do not follow some ancient outdated writings, but follow the "new and improved version" called the "Sunday school book," written by uninspired godless modern man.

They far out number the "true believers" therefore they can vote and pass on all the programs of man they desire; and they can place or displace who ever they desire in the pulpit. They have usurped and mocked the children of faith; and they ridicule them for all the "silly" things they believe. These are the children of the flesh, these are the "wolves in sheep clothing," {Matt. 7:15} these are the "tares" among the "wheat" (Matt. 13:25-40}. These will be removed in the "day of the Lord;" they will not be heirs with the children of promise.

But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For they are not all the true church that are on the congregation membership roll; neither are they all children because they are baptized in water and cry, Lord, Lord; but through Jesus are the children of the church named. That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children who are according to promise are regarded as His seed {Rom. 9:6-8}.

Which one are you; an Ishmael or Isaac? Do not leave this world deceived!! If you are not sure, make sure before it is too late. Today is the day of salvation!!!

Pastor Jake

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