Saturday, May 19, 2007

Roaring Lion

Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.

1st Peter 5:8 AMP

Peter advises us to be sober and vigilant, because the enemy (satan) is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour... just like that cat, seeking a pigeon to bully and intimidate.

I watched a video where this mean looking scrawny white cat persecuting this poor little pigeon. The pigeon is just minding his business when the cat shows up and does everything he can to make the poor bird miserable. It is only when someone comes in the yard and chases the cat away that the pigeon is safe.

This video so reminds me of our Christian walk. We are out doing our thing when, “WHAM,” the devil shows up and smacks us like the cat smacking that poor little pigeon with his paw. We try to get away but satan just sets up traps for us and continues to chase us until someone comes to chase him away.

Aren’t you glad that James writes that we can submit ourselves to God, and then resist the devil -- and satan will flee from you. While persecutions are promised to those of us who love God and are committed to live lives that give Him glory, we are also promised victory. We can overcome satan by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.

As a Christian, you can plead the blood of Jesus... and the word of our testimony is the word of God. Allow the word of God to dwell richly in you. Keep your eyes on Jesus. And, when the enemy comes to pounce on you, you can defeat him by the Blood of Jesus and by the word of your testimony.

1 Peter 5:8 tells us that satan is looking for someone to devour.

Obviously, not everyone can be devoured. If just anyone could be devoured, satan wouldn't have to spend time looking. For instance, not every woman is available. You have to look for one who is available. If she doesn't have a wedding band or engagement ring... if she doesn't run like the building is on fire when you walk into the room... then maybe. But you have to seek for one who is available.

Don't open doors for the devil. The devil is seeking for any crack he can crawl through in your life. It takes more work to be an eagle than a pigeon. The more of God's anointing in your life, the narrower your path must become. You may get by with things in 2006 that you can't in 2007. God works with us progressively and incrementally. He requires us to make progress in our walk with Him.

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

John 10:10
You have an enemy. Sometimes our enemy knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows how to steal our peace... what buttons to push... and we need to watch ourselves and pray for strength over those areas that upset us.

As a believer, you have power and authority... but you must exercise it. Don't be passive about it. Walk in that authority. Let the devil know that you know that you have authority.

Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.

Luke 10:19
You have authority. You have power. But if the devil is walking all over you, perhaps you are letting him.

Are you a Sunday morning saint but a Monday morning sinner?

Are you a Sunday morning warrior but a Monday morning whiner?

Being a victorious powerful stomp-on-the-devil Christian is a full-time job. You must love the word. You must live in the word. You must study and pray and say no to things that take time away from God. If you want God's promises, you can have them because they are for whosoever will... but it takes something. It takes the amount of time you put into your relationship with God.

What causes divorce? A lot of things -- but one big thing is a lack of communication. Two people who lose that intimacy grow apart until eventually they have nothing common to keep them together. You can fall away from your first love in Jesus and that is a DANGEROUS position to be in.

We are all given the same amount of time... 24 hours each day. If you use it to get close to God, you will grow. If you waste it...

How do we open doors for the devil to come in and persecute us?

When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him].

Ephesians 4:26-27
It is not a sin to get angry about something. It is sin to try and vindicate yourself and act on that anger. God is our vindicator. Don't go to bed mad... minister to that person by sowing a seed of forgiveness.

Yes, we have authority over the devil... but we can't yield to the devil one minute and then take authority over him the next. We have to do what the word of God says to keep the door closed to the devil and have victory in our lives. Don't think you can give in to the devil on Monday and act like the devil on Tuesday and then, on Wednesday, try to take authority over him. The Bible doesn't tell us to resist our circumstances. We are to resist the devil. Just resist acting like the devil DURING the circumstance. What should we do in hard times? Remain stable whether you are abased or abounding.

Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be [a] content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am. I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want. I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who [b]infuses inner strength into me; I am [c]self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].

Philippians 4:11-13
Learn to endure everything that comes your way with a good temper.

If you forgive anyone anything, I too forgive that one; and what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sakes in the presence [and with the approval] of Christ (the Messiah), To keep Satan from getting the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his wiles and intentions.

2nd Corinthians 2:10-11
A good reason to forgive people is to keep satan from taking advantage over you. When people are constantly getting up in your grill, doing stupid things that just ticks you off, realize that it is not them you need to be mad with, it is satan. The devil makes people trip... so that he can try and make you trip. But when you humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, you can have victory over the devil.

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.

Philippians 1:6
If you are a Christian, God saved you and filled you with the Holy Spirit. He gives you all of the weapons that you need to win your battle against the devil.

For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)

2nd Corinthians 10:3-5
We have powerful weapons in the spirit that will help us to win the battle. Put them to work to achieve victory in your life! For additional help, check out the following resources by clicking the links below (they are 100% free of charge):


Dwacon said...

Some of these resources are available for free download at

Unknown said...

WOW! The Holy Spirit has been really speaking to me alot lately, this is the hour! We need to listen and we need to move!

I went to a Lisa Bevere conference this weekend, she confirmed what God is moving us to!

We are strength in numbers and the Devil is just trying, he won't win, never, we need to allow our minds to be saturated with the truth of the word, allow it to rise up and come to more life than you have ever experience, throw off the old ways of tradition, he is showing himself in newness, it is a fresh and awesome thing!

God Bless,