Saturday, February 6, 2010

Wisdom from Judypie

Take Your Medicine

God’s Word is good medicine. Read and study God’s Word, consent and submit to His sayings...let them not depart from your eyes, keep them in the midst of your heart. For they they will be life, healing and health to all your flesh (Proverbs 4:20-22). Guard your heart, decide to have a happy heart everyday, practice smiling and laughing, think happy thoughts and your cheerful mind will work healing. This doesn’t automatically occur; you have to be determined to achieve happiness that isn’t dependent on circumstances. Remember the Father has given you a joyous spirit and a glad heart. He is your exceeding great Joy!

Think on These Things

Father, Your Word is my Handbook for renewing my mind to think and speak as You think and speak. By the grace of God I will think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report. Your Word will renew my mind with Your thoughts, Lord, driving out thoughts of fear, doubt, bad feelings toward others, self-hatred, depression and unbelief in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Bless The Lord

The Bible says that we have what we believe in our heart and say with our mouth. How much of your everyday conversation is devoted to negative, unfulling words? Do you talk more about the devil than about your Heavenly Father? Fill your mind with good things and speak words that are filled with grace and encouragement. Talk about the many blessings God has bestowed on you and your family, Eulogize God, speak well of Him, talk about His goodness and mercy. He has blessed you with all spiritual blessings in Christ! Let His praise be continually in your mouth.

Prayer of Affirmation

Lord, I bless your holy name! I will not forget all your benefits - you forgive all my iniquities, heal all my diseases, redeem my life from destruction, and crown me with loving kindness and tender mercies. Thank you for satisfying my mouth with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s. I worship you in the splendor of your holiness, in Jesus’ name.

Heavenly Father, You made me what I am and gave me a new life; and long ages ago You planned that I should spend my life in helping others. You are a great God, a loving God, a giving God, and I purpose to imitate You. The end of all things is at hand, and I will be serious and watchful in my prayers. Above all things, and by Your grace, I give myself to a fervent love for others – a love that covers a multitude of sins, in the name of Jesus. Amen

LORD, I give thanks to You for You are good! Your mercy endures forever. Who can express Your mighty acts? Who can declare all Your praise? Remember me, O LORD, with the favor You have toward Your people. Visit me with Your salvation in the name of Your Son, Jesus. I love You, my Lord, my Redeemer. Amen.

Father, I thank you for the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, which flows through me to others. I abide in Jesus, He abides in me and through the power of the Holy Spirit, I am salt and light in the earth - a witness to him everywhere I go - in my home, the workplace, and to the end of the earth. I purpose to practice the presence of Jesus, and make choices that will honor you, Father. Thank you for leading me in triumph in every situation I face today in Jesus’ name.

This Week:

Hide His Word in your heart, keep yourself in the love of God building yourself up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit. You are a living witness that God is good and merciful to all who call upon His name.

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