Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Full-Time Position Available

The Chief Shepherd Group is looking for employees who can start immediately and work for the rest of their lives.

Please read all of the following before applying.

Character: Loving, forgiving, hospitable, dependable, energetic, humble, alert, controlled, courageous, generous, faith -filled, service-oriented.

Duties: Deeply love other believers, open your home to them whenever necessary, use the gifts God has given you, willingly suffer for Christ, be an example to others, humble yourself under God's hand. resist the devil, and stand firm.

Experience and Education: No experience and no education required. The Good Shepherd is willing to qualify every committed worker through on-the-job training.

Benefits: The covering of a multitude of sins; suffering in Christ's name; experiencing God's grace; receiving an eternal crown of glory.

How to apply: Humble yourself under God's mighty hand.

The life of service to which God calls His children is an adventurous one that cannot be fulfilled in our own power. He calls us to do things- love deeply, use our spiritual gifts, withstand sufferings, be humble, resist the devil- that we in ourselves cannot do. In fact, that's the point. The only way to genuinely minister to others, imitate Christ and live in humility is through the enabling grace of God. If we live in His grace, we will be the people and do the works that fulfill our calling.


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